divendres, 9 de juny del 2017

Bye Bye eso

Resultado de imagen de bye eso
In the first term I was very nervous and embarrassing but I lost them while I knew them more.
In this class the truth is I do not dislike anyone.

I think I miss this classmates there are funny and crazy people like me I said to my self in the second term.

Now in the third term i am very sad to say goodbye to everybody because I know some of them but the others maybe not because they go to cycles far away.

dijous, 8 de juny del 2017

The worst movie i ever see

Resultado de imagen de sharknado
This is the worst movie I ever see the summary is like this A big hurricane strikes Los Angeles, causing floods throughout the city and tornadoes that spit sharks
The argument is horrible and the movie is worse
Every time you see the same scence of sharks under the water with an immense amount of water like a 15-20 meters and after you see this
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don't see this movie

Forrest Gump

Resultado de imagen de Forrest Gump

Is my favorite movie of all time and Tom Hanks is one my favorite actors this my mother taught me and I thank it every time because.

The story describes the life of Forrest Gump, an Alabama native who suffers from a slight mental retardation. This does not prevent him from being a privileged witness of the most transcendental moments of US history in the twentieth century, specifically between 1945 and 1982.  
This movie made me change my mind and taught me that it does not matter if you're an idiot because you always have possibilities 
But also has many mood scence the funnyest for me was the Black Panter party this scene teaches you how innocent the boy is.


I have already been in Iceland 
One of my dreams is go to Iceland.
I now i already been there but that was three and don't remember I now this summer I go there and I have to meet all of my family.

Resultado de imagen de islandia

I haven't been to Japan yet

This is the onther country I won't to go becasue I see that is a very strange but it looks beautiful with the vegetation and the fauna
One of the things that I find the strangest of Japan is how many people can be in this tiny country
But the thing that prompts me to go is for the anime.

Resultado de imagen de Japan

dilluns, 5 de juny del 2017

This summer

This summer I go to Iceland because I have not been going for a long time I only have go 1 time and that was wen I was little i have 4 years that's because i go we go for 3 week and we go with bike to see the views of this beautiful country and i think we sleep in the woods and to meet my grandfather beacause i don't now him

Resultado de imagen de Iceland

My best photo of holidays

La imagen puede contener: una persona, de pie

In this holydays we don't toke any photos that's why i put one photo we we trabelt to Tenerife to the Loro park now i don't remember what year we go but I remember I have so much fun at Loro park that was the funnyest photo I took that's why I put this photo

Ghost (1990)

Resultado de imagen de actores de ghost

Ghost is another of those romantic movies. After the character Sam Wheat is killed, his spirit remains on Earth trying to save his partner Molly Jensen from the dangers of this world.That movie is not very like other movies but the feels in the movie is are very visible the best part of the film is the final when Sam has to go toward the light and the part where it sounds Oh my love they are a very sad part of the movie.

Love song

This song tells you that love is blind literally because this song he tell's to a blind women but this men is in love with her that says that love is the same for everybody .
That's why I like this song

a World Heritage site

Þingvellir National Park
Resultado de imagen de Þingvellir National Park

Þingvellir (Thingvellir) Over two weeks a year, the assembly set laws - seen as a covenant between free men - and settled disputes. The Althing has deep historical and symbolic associations for the people of Iceland. The property includes the Þingvellir National Park : fragments of around 50 booths built from turf and stone. Remains from the 10th century are thought to be buried underground. The site also includes remains of agricultural use from the 18th and 19th centuries. The park shows evidence of the way the landscape was husbanded over 1,000 years.

dissabte, 18 de març del 2017

Donald Trump

Why Donald Trump win the selections?

I think is for internet and TV do the Donald Trump to be the president ,because every budy was laughing even the previous president Obama .

Another fact is because Obama can't be the president again .

 And because the people didn't like Hillary clinton .

dimecres, 15 de març del 2017

Sebastiao Salgado

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In all the picture we see  pinguins at all the places but in the backgrownd we see a wall at the right of photo we see snow meanwihle in the left there isn't at the front of the image we see many pinguins laying at the ground.
This is a wide shot because we can see the landscape.

dilluns, 13 de març del 2017

Types of camera angles

High angle :

This photo it makes me feel than I'm above them

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Low angle:

That image I feel the opposite make me fell that I am the tiny one

Resultado de imagen de low angle shot

Arial shot:

For me this image doesn't make me feel anything but is very pretty

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Long shot:

This Frame of the movie make the scence more absurd because you can see the pirate first  and more bigger somehow that make the scence more funny

Resultado de imagen de long shot

Two shot:

That's is more romantic frame of anther movie make me feel that you never are alone

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Wide shot

in this imange you can't only see the pretagonist you can see to the background
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dissabte, 25 de febrer del 2017


On a normal Singapore street sits a normal house, but it does not contain a normal collection. This house has one of the largest private collections of Barbie dolls in the world at 6,000 dolls.
Jian Yang is the proud owner of all of these dolls and even calls some of them “precious“. One of his favourites is Great Shape Barbie that was from 1984 and was featured in the movie “Toy Story”. He paid up to $3,600 for one of his dolls, making this an expensive hobby.

Jian’s obsession predictably affects his relationships. He says that some ex-girlfriends felt insecure because they could not look like one of the dolls, which are infamous for their unrealistic waistlines.

This interview expleint the obsession of one with this toys , when you hear obsession you tink about drogs and tabacco most of the people don't think the toys can hurt no body but this men lost a lot of money for one barbie

divendres, 27 de gener del 2017

New year resolution

1. Work harder at home for homeworks
Resultado de imagen de estudiar
2. Enjoy the life
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3. That love finds me

4.Try to find someting I like to work

5.Eat more healty
Resultado de imagen de Eat more healthy
6. Go to iceland

Resultado de imagen de Go to iceland